Thursday, July 9, 2015

5 Things you have to do this summer!

Last week, on my Youtube channel I talked about planning your summer in order to help
 you achieve more things than just sitting home and watch TV. Here is the link to that video.
As you know, summer has bigger days and even though it's a period of the year where people tend to do less, probably because of the hot weather, I am sharing five things that you should do this summer in order to make the most of your summer! Again, if you are interested on how I plan my summer, everything is explained in that "Plan your summer" video!

1. Read a few books!
If there is something I like to do during summer is to take time to read! I usually don't read much during the school year since I have many other things to read for classes. However, whenever I have time to do so, I really enjoy to read a few books! Summer is the perfect time to catch up on your books. Grab a book you like and read it at the pool, at the beach, while traveling,.. There are so many options! I challenge you to read at least two books this summer!

2. Clean your house!
People often talk about spring cleaning but I really enjoy summer cleaning! Summer is the perfect time to clean your house and make it ready for winter! I usually clean the entire house and also take a look at my closet. Every summer I get rid of so many clothes that I have sitting in my closet waiting on that "perfect" day where I will use them again. So what are you waiting for? 

3. Start a new project!
This year, I decided to start on a new project. Actually, a few of them! I was tired of those summers where you just sit home and do nothing all day. What a waist of time! So this summer, even though I will be recovering from a surgery, I signed up for an online course and I will be working on a future project. I feel much better knowing that I can work at my own paste while doing something productive! Summer is also a good time to take a few extra classes. You don't need to surcharge yourself but if you can learn something new it's always positive!

4. Relax! 
Summer is the time of the year where people need to relax and even though you are accomplishing a few projects, you should take time to relax! Summer is long enough in order for you to do everything that you need to do. So, why don't you take a few days just for you? Enjoy a beach day, a pool day or even a family barbecue! Summer also means lots of parties outside with lots of delicious food, right? Enjoy those moments !

5. Plan your summer! 
Last but not least, I an advising you to plan your summer. Just like I did on my video, I realize that planning my summer helps me to do everything on my summer list! Planning your summer means that you are going to write down a summer list where you are going to put all the things that you want to do during summer. It's a great way to plan things and to have ideas on what to do. It also helps you do something. The goal is to have everything  from your list crossed at the end of summer. So, have you planned your summer yet?

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